Dancing Dots
Where Music Meets Technology for the blind
Dancing Dots serves blind musicians and their educators through technology and training

Braille Music Instruction

An Introduction to Music for the Blind Student, A Course in Braille Music Reading Parts I and II
  By Richard Taesch

An Introduction to Music for the Blind Student, Teacher Training Part III
  By Richard Taesch

An Introduction to Piano for the Blind Student, A Course in Braille Music Reading, Books 1 and 2
  By Richard Taesch

Creative Ensembles for Beginning Musicians, First Series. Twenty-five Original Compositions in Three Parts for Instrumental, Voice, or Piano Ensemble
  By Stephanie Pieck

Jazz & Contemporary Chord Symbol Reading for The Blind Pianist
  By Richard Taesch

Who's Afraid of Braille Music
  By Richard Taesch and William R. McCann
Lime Aid by David Simpson: short course on how to read and write scores in print and in braille using the Lime notation editor that ships with the GOODFEEL® and Lime Aloud suites of software.


Copyright Dancing Dots