Dancing Dots
Where Music Meets Technology for the blind
Dancing Dots serves blind musicians and their educators through technology and training

ddots-l Listserv

The ddots-l listserv is for the discussion of CakeTalking and accessible audio production.

Subscribe or Manage Your ddots-l Subscription Using a Form

Enter your e-mail address:

Instructions for Subscribing or Managing Your ddots-l subscription Using Your E-mail Program

If you use more than one E-mail address, be sure to send all requests from the E-mail address under which you are subscribed to the list.

Subscribe (three different ways)

  1. Send an E-mail message with a subject line of 'subscribe' to: ddots-l-request@freelists.org Speech users note that ddots-l is spelled d d o t s dash l. Print users please note that -l is a dash followed by the letter l, not the number one.
  2. Go to http://www.freelists.org/cgi-bin/lsg2.cgi and follow the directions.
  3. Send an E-mail to us and ask us to subscribe you.


Send an E-mail message with a subject line of 'unsubscribe' to: ddots-l-request@freelists.org

Digest Option

Our list is sometimes quiet and sometimes fairly active. If you're simply getting too many messages from the list but definitely want to stay tuned to our list, consider changing your subscription options so you'll receive a daily digest of all messages for each day instead of each individual message.

Once you are subscribed to our list, send an E-mail message with a subject line of 'set digest' to:


The provider of this listserv software, will send you daily digests of list messages. However, unlike most other lists, the messages for each day are returned as E-mail attachments instead of one long message. Nonetheless, many subscribers may find this option preferable to E-mail overload!

If you make the switch to digest mode and then decide to switch back out of digest mode, send an E-mail message with a subject line of 'unset digest' to:


Listserv Help

If you want to see what other options are available, send an E-mail message with a subject line of 'help' to:


More Information for ddots-l

Our main listserv page
Copyright Dancing Dots