Dancing Dots
Where Music Meets Technology for the blind
Dancing Dots serves blind musicians and their educators through technology and training

Info Payment Plan for Lime Aloud

Dancing Dots offers the following option for paying for LIME ALOUD in installments.
Note that some of our international dealers may not offer similar terms.
You pay in 5 monthly installments. The first installment will be equal to about one-third of total cost plus any applicable shipping charges. All customers now have the option to take delivery via download which saves shipping charges. Each remaining 4 installments will equal 1/6 of total cost. We will charge installments on or near the original day of the month of the initial charge.
All sales are final and no payments are refundable.

Payment 1 $266 plus shipping if applicable
Payment 2: $133
Payment 3: $133
Payment 4: $133
Payment 5: $133

End user submits a new reference code on or after each of the payment dates to reauthorize the software.
Your total cost is regular price of $749 for LIME ALOUD + an administrative fee of $49 as we will need to send you multiple Reference Codes and process multiple License Keys with each installment payment.


Animation of e-mail
If you would like to order by paying with installments call us at 610 500-5072 or send us an E-mail.

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