All of these items refer to all versions of Lime unless otherwise noted. Also, please see our SharpEye FAQ page
A: Pickup measures are usually numbered "0" and in Lime, this is done in the Options dialog which is at the bottom of the Edit menu. For pieces with pickups, set Start Bar Numbers at to 0. To make the actual partial measure in Lime:
A: See our movie with descriptive text: Entering a Second Voice. Note that this movie was made using an older version of Lime but it is similar enough to be helpful.
A: Lime can only import MusicXML files with the extension xml. MusicXML files with the extenrion mxl are compressed (or zip) files with xml files in them. The easiest way to get a .xml file out of a .mxl file is to change the mxl file extension to zip, double-click the renamed file to open it, and copy the xml file somewhere else. If you want to, you can rename the xml file after copying it somewhere else.
Steps to Import a MIDI File into Lime
Instructions for after installing drivers.
To rename:
A. To configure Lime with Lime Aloud to use the UK Names for Notes
In future, we will offer a choice of phrases during the installation process which will greatly simplify this set up. If you have problems following the directions above, please contact for assistance.
A. To set the tempo in Lime, you must insert a tempo annotation.
Here’s how:
Instead of using the bracket keys to shift the octave for input, you may prefer to use ALT+H, K, which brings up a menu that gives you verbal feedback. The bracket keys work, but they do not trigger any speech.
To transpose a selected passage:
Step 1: Create a New Piece
A. It is best to add finger numbers after you have entered the notes into Lime.
If you want the type of grace note called an acciaccatura:
Entering Text for Tempo Alteration such as ""Rit."":
So, for an f-sharp-seventh chord, simply type F#7, but for a b-flat-seventh, type a Bs7 then go back and highlight only the ""s"" and change the font to ""Marl"" using the Annotations menu (ALT+A, then T, then F). Only do this for the ""s"", or all the other letters will change, also.
A2 (from our customer Brandon). The easiest way to enter chords is to use a MIDI keyboard hooked up to your computer.
A. It's generally much quicker and simpler to enter the melody first. Once all notes to be sung have been added to your score: