Dancing Dots
Where Music Meets Technology for the blind
Dancing Dots serves blind musicians and their educators through technology and training

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Dancing Dots: Accessible Music Technology for Blind & Low Vision Performers since 1992

Lime Lighter

Accessible Music-reading Solution
for Performers with Low Vision

Image of girl holding clarinet standing in front of The Lime Lighter displaying magnified music notation.
Device is mounted on a Manhasset music stand

Dancing Dots

Dancing Dots offers technology, educational resources and training to assist blind people to read, write, and record their music. Our products and services foster inclusion, literacy and independence for visually impaired musicians and audio producers engaged in educational, leisure, and professional pursuits.

With Lime Lighter, low vision performers can read magnified print music up to a zoom level of 10x hands-free. Sighted people who may or may not know braille but who can read print music can automatically convert scores to the equivalent Braille notation with our GOODFEEL® Braille Music Translator.

Blind musicians can independently create print and Braille scores, with GOODFEEL®, Lime and Lime Aloud. We offer remote and on-site training for accessible music technology to both sighted and blind users on the PC and on the Mac. We can teach you or your student to read Braille music. Consult our reference guide that describes a situation and suggests specific products and resources to find the solutions that will work best for you.

Products and Services

We represent the leading manufacturers of assistive technology and music supplies; please contact us for assistance in determining the best integrated solution for your situation.

Other Resources

View and listen to a number of product presentations.

Visit our customer support page to: access online help, schedule training, register your software, join one of our Listservs to chat with other customers, or just send us your comments.

Visit our resources page for links of interest to blind musicians, their teachers and parents including alternate financing programs.

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Copyright Dancing Dots