Miscellaneous Notes, Hints and Fixes

This page contains minor topics that don't deserve their own page. We tried to write the instructions so that they would be generic for all operating systems. Please e-mail us if you have suggestions or corrections.


Cleaning Up Your Computer

First go to AnswersThatWork.com and check out the Task List page. Follow their directions for all the things in your task list. This has helped me to remove many unnecessary tasks that consume resources, cause crashes, make ads pop up on your computer or any combination of these things.

The normal way of seeing your task list is to press control+alt+delete. If you are running Windows NT, 2000 or XP you'll need to click on "Task Manager" after control+alt+delete. If you are running Windows 98 or Me, you can also find your task list programs with System Information. To get the task list this way:

  1. Click on Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Information.
  2. Shift+tab to the System Summary window.
  3. Press "S" for Software Environment and then use the right arrow key to open it up. Then press "R" for Running Tasks.
  4. Press the tab key to go to the window with the running tasks in it.
  5. Click on the Name column to sort the list in name order.
  6. If you get confused by all this stuff you can use File | Export to save your task list information in a file and then e-mail that file to someone who can help you.

I also recommend going to their home page, clicking on Libraries of Answers That Work then Hottest Tips and then find their Housekeeping document.

Changing File Extension Associations with Programs

Windows Me, XP and 2000


How to Show File Name Extensions

Music Sources

You can download free music from the following sources.

Some MusicXML pieces can be found at MusicXML Sites for MusicXML Files . MusicXML files can be read directly into Lime but we are still working on making Lime's MusicXML import better and more complete.

File Formats

See File Formats

Literary Braille Reference Sheet

Check out this (Literary) Braille Reference Sheet if you're light dependent:-)

Taking a Picture of Your Screen

The following link was written for Cakewalk but it can be applied to other programs. How to take a picture of Cakewalk's track view.


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Dancing Dots
1754 Quarry Lane
Suite DD, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Voice: 610 783-6692, Fax: 610 500-5072
E-mail: info@dancingdots.com
Home Page: https://dancingdots.com

Last updated: 6/29/2009