Meet some of our customers:
(Kaiti Shelton), a blind college student studying Music Therapy at the University of Dayton, has found Goodfeel to be an extremely valuable tool. It has allowed her to compose and complete theory and arranging assignments independently, and has given her professors the ability to provide her with the most excellent collegiate music education with braille music readily available.
Damon F has been playing keyboards since the age of 4 and been in bands since 14. Blind since birth, Damon relies on his ear for everything he does in a musical context. A mostly self taught musician, Damon is influenced by progressive rock and hard rock bands from the 70s through the 90s, but tries to apply a modern sound to his compositions. (www.damonf.com)
Sabrina McKiernan, singer from Ireland, who performs diverse styles ranging from Irish Folk, to Country, to Gospel, to musical theatre and more, says: "Thanks so much to Dancing Dots for the CakeTalking software."
Yerko Difonis: Rising piano star from Chile
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
Steve Giannaros creates a unique fusion that contains elements of traditional and contemporary jazz, funk, jungle, and world music. He tells Dancing Dots: "I would never be able to do what I do if it wasn’t for your software. I use SONAR with CakeTalking and JAWS."
(www.stevegiannaros.com )
Rui Vilarinho from Portugal: multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer, trainer, and founder of the RvÁudioAcessível project. (www.rvaudioacessivel.com)
Neville Peter is a singer songwriter and a producer of Christian music. He has traveled nationally and internationally and has shared his god given gifts with many. Neville says that he is very thankful for the work that has been done by Dancing Dots to level the playing field for blind musicians and producers.
Greg Brayton: Original Christian rock (www.gbrayton.com/discs)
Jean-Philippe Rykiel: Creative world music with an African flavor.
Rocco Fiorentino: A youthful bundle of talent from the Garden State (www.musicbyrocco.com)
Kevin Kern: Lovely, soothing, tranquil and evocative. (www.kevinkern.com)
Henry Butler (henrybutler.com)
John Henry (Staff Biography at Trinity College of Music)
Matthew Wadsworth (matthewwadsworth.com)
Marcus Roberts (marcusroberts.com)
Rick Epperly uses Lime to help him make Better Music Boxes. An interview with Rick Epperly Classical musician and Rick playing the harpsichord.
- Raul Midon (www.raulmidon.com)
Laurel Jean (www.laureljean.com)
Gilbert Montagne (www.gilbertmontagne.com - French)
Jim Malone (www.crosswindsmusicpro.com)
- Rachel Flowers, a life long musician, began using Cakewalk with the Cake Talking scripts as a beta tester when she was 6 years old. Now at age 20, it is her primary compositional tool.
Rachel is presently performing locally with several jazz bands, and is composing music for future release.
Frank Senior (www.franksenior.com)
Joanne Jordan: "For me, GoodFeel has been a dream come true. The Music Director of my choir creates MusicXML files
for me so I can import them in to Lime. One fellow choir member has recently even created Lime files for me. This software has been a godsend. I have also used it to study piano and voice privately.
GoodFeel helps me out in every way."
- DH from Iowa:
"Over the last few years, the GOODFEEL® software has helped me to print out new music and to compose my own pieces of music. Without this software I would not be where I am today in my music education and music-making. It has made it easier for me to learn music by listening to it and reading it as a braille score. I can print my own compositions for a sighted person to read.
It is so amazing how other people sighted or not can play my music. I play the flute and it is wonderful how I can learn any piece of music that my flute teacher gives me.
No matter what technical problems I have had the people at Dancing Dots have always helped me to overcome them. My aim in life is to become a music teacher and I am sure I will be able to achieve this with this wonderful software."
Aaron Roberts (www.3forthefire.com)
Enjoy listening to Holly playing a piece for flute which she learned from a braille music score.
Enjoy listening to an ABC interview of Jessica Bachicha.
Ignasi Terraza Jazz piano wizard from Barcelona, Spain Winner of Jaç magazine's 2012 prize for best record and best group of 2011 Live at the Living Room, Bangkok , Ignasi (www.ignasiterraza.com)
Marti Sellers (Singer/songwriter from southern California)
Nick Sharp (www.soundcloud.com/nick-sharp-2)
- Do Re Me and Maria!(Do Re Me and Maria!)
Children's music for ages 2 to 6 Rhythm and Rhyme Children's CD
by Dancing Dots customer Maria Alley and Friend
Riccardo McCants (Soulful R&B and dance mixes from Ricardo McCants who did it all with CakeTalking and SONAR)
Ray Wonder Ray Wonder On The Track
Bob Haselhuhn, Band director in Kansas who creates band parts for his student. Presented to KS Music Educators about his use of GOODFEEL.Emporia Bands
- Father Theodor Tsampatzidis, educator, composer, and advocate for braille music in Greece, wrote to tell us: “Here is another video about St Paul, made by my students with visual impairment. A student with low vision collected photos from Internet and made the slide show and a totally blind student used braille music and sang a chant for St Paul”
Jörgen Hansson Rockin’ steady all the way from Sweden.
Chris Nakamura An interview
Assistive Technology Program at Berklee College of Music in Boston uses technology from Dancing Dots
Spotlight on Adel Kerkadi and the School of Music at the University of Ottawa
Jason Farrar, pianist and composer from California, passes along words of encouragement to students to apply for music-based scholarships. "My GPA and compositions competed for scholarships without knowledge I was blind or using Braille, thanks to your handy software! I was awarded 4k at my school top prize for music! Previously, I competed in piano at the Monk Institute, making it into the top ten finals." Jason recommends Allan Hancock junior college in Santa Maria, California, as a good option for blind music students seeking a supportive environment.
If you
are a blind musician, a music educator, a vision teacher or anyone who has used
our technology in your work, Dancing Dots wants to tell your story on the Customer
Profiles pages of our website. Have you created braille music scores for a student
or colleague? Have you made a sound recording using Sonar with our CakeTalking
scripts? Have you independently recorded, edited and printed out your work for sighted
teachers or colleagues to review or perform using Lime with our Lime Aloud scripts?
Please tell us your story in 300 words or less, on the form below.
We invite customers who have used any of our technology to create sound recordings to post up to 3 sound clips of your work on our Customer Profiles page.
You may submit your work to Dancing Dots in one of the following ways:
- To expedite your posting, mail a CD containing up to three clips (please, no more than 30 seconds per
sample, including fade-out).
Be sure to include the titles of the compositions from which your samples were selected.
- Mail a CD containing your complete compositions and allow us to make the selections.
- Contact us to make other arrangements.
Note that fields marked with '*' are required fields.
Quarry Lane, Suite DD, Phoenixville, PA 19460 P:
610 783-6692 F: 610 500-5072 |