Dancing Dots
Where Music Meets Technology for the blind
Dancing Dots serves blind musicians and their educators through technology and training

Meet some of our customers:

If you are a blind musician, a music educator, a vision teacher or anyone who has used our technology in your work, Dancing Dots wants to tell your story on the Customer Profiles pages of our website. Have you created braille music scores for a student or colleague? Have you made a sound recording using Sonar with our CakeTalking scripts? Have you independently recorded, edited and printed out your work for sighted teachers or colleagues to review or perform using Lime with our Lime Aloud scripts? Please tell us your story in 300 words or less, on the form below.

We invite customers who have used any of our technology to create sound recordings to post up to 3 sound clips of your work on our Customer Profiles page. You may submit your work to Dancing Dots in one of the following ways:

  1. To expedite your posting, mail a CD containing up to three clips (please, no more than 30 seconds per sample, including fade-out). Be sure to include the titles of the compositions from which your samples were selected.
  2. Mail a CD containing your complete compositions and allow us to make the selections.
  3. Contact us to make other arrangements.

Note that fields marked with '*' are required fields.



Copyright Dancing Dots