Resources for Learning and Teaching Music, Financing Assistive Technology Purchases, and More
Available from Dancing Dots
(see our Online Store)
Other Organizations
Academy of Music for the Blind (AMB)
Academy of Music for the Blind (AMB)
AMB is a Southern California based non-profit school for the blind with a comprehensive year-round education in all instruments, voice, dance, drama, and computer literacy.
Phone: (626)358-5379
Academy of Music for the Blind web site
National Library Service of the Library of Congress
To borrow instructional materials on the braille music code and/or
braille scores contact the Music Section, National Library Service
of the Library of Congress at 1-800-424-8567. NLS can provide on
loan materials appropriate for both teacher and student at no
charge. A correspondence course designed to certify braille music
transcribers is available.
Braille Through Remote Learning
Braille Through Remote Learning:
a link to web-based braille instruction courses developed by the Shodor
Education Foundation, Inc..
Music and Arts Center for the Handicapped (MACH)
National Resource Center for Blind Musicians
510 Barnum Ane.
Bridgeport, CT 06608
Phone: (203) 366-3300
Fax: (203) 368-2847
Music and Arts Center's web site
E-mail: 1027301.163@compuserve.com
Music in Large Print
Music in large print is available from LRS
Voice: 800-255-5002
Fax: 310-354-2601
Web Site: http://www.largeprintschoolbooks.com
E-mail: Lrsprint@aol.com
MIDI-Mag listserv
To subscribe to the MIDI-Mag listserv for blind musicians, where we discuss all aspects of makeing electronic music, send a blank E-mail message to: midimag-subscribe@midimag.org
After your subscription is confirmed, you'll begin to receive messages from the list. To post a message, address it to midimag@midimag.org
After you're subscribed, you may want to set your subscription option to digest. This option sends you one digest message per day which contains all list messages for that 24 hour period. To set this option, send a blank email message to listserv@midimag.org. In the body of your message write: set midi-mag digest.
The Central Catalog: Textbooks for Students Who Are Visually Handicapped
Educational Resources Network of the American Printing House for the Blind
P. O. Box 6085
Louisville, KY 40206-0085
Phone: (502) 895-2405 and (800) 223-1839
Fax: (502) 899-2274
Web site: https://www.aph.org/educational-resources/accessible-textbooks/
Dictionary of Braille Music Signs, Bettye Krolick. 1979
Music Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542
Phone: (202) 707-5100 and (800) 424-8567
Fax: (202) 707-0712
TTY/TTD: (710) 822-1969
E-mail: nlsm@loc.gov
Print Music Symbols and Tactile Graphics
By Lois Krantz
Published by The National Braille Association
In one braille volume, 13 braille pages
Blind musicians read music braille. However, it is important that blind
musicians understand how printed music appears. This book is a valuable
resource for blind musicians who need to understand how printed music
symbols appear to sighted teachers, colleagues or students. Although it
not intended as a comprehensive list of all conventional music symbols,
contains raised line graphics of common clef signs, notes of varying
rhythms, stem signs and rests.
You can call NBA toll-free to order: 1-800-244-5797
$5 for individuals, $10.75 for organizations
Visa & MasterCard accepted
National Braille Association
3 Townline Circle, Rochester, NY 14623-2513
Tel: 585-427-8260 FAX 585-427-0263
Web Site: www.nationalbraille.org
A Blind Music Student's College Survival Guide
By Richard Taesch
The files are in word format and can be downloaded through this link. www.menvi.org/links.html#special
Seven Steps to Read Music in Braille
By Richard Taesch
The files are in word format and can be downloaded through this link. www.menvi.org/newsletters/news28.html
Primer of Braille Music
Compiled by Edward W. Jenkins
American Printing House for the Blind
1839 Frankfort Avenue, P. O. Box 6085
Louisville, KY 40206-0085
Phone: (502) 895-2405 and (800) 223-1829
Fax: (502) 895-1509
Norton Grove Encyclopedia of Music (in "BookManager" format)
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic has the Norton Grove Encyclopedia of
Music in "BookManager" format. This is not an audio book, but rather a
set of computer files which can be read by speech synthesizers if the
computer is equipped with the BookManager program. The "encyclopedia" is
an excellent music dictionary.
Possibly these files are also available in standard ASCII format.
To contact Recording for the Blind, write to:
20 Roszel Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Other Resources: Grants, Scholarships, and Financing Programs
The Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) is a non-profit organization that provides low-interest loans to people with disabilities and older
Pennsylvanians so that they can buy the assistive technology devices and services they need.
Obtaining a college education is no easy task, but for students with visual disabilities, the path to completing a degree program is lined with unique challenges and barriers. The following guide explores how visual impairments impact the educational experience, what colleges are doing for the visually impaired, and includes numerous resources, as well insight and tips from experts and a list of scholarships and grants.
The Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
(ATIA) has put together an excellent resource about where to find funding for assistive technology called the
ATIA Funding Resources Guide.
Resource Highlight: What Are Your Options to Pay for Assistive Devices
The NIDRR-funded
project has released a new information sheet,
What Are Your Options to Pay for Assistive Devices (PDF) Information provided covers primary funding resources including private and public health insurance; local school districts; vocational rehabilitation agencies; other government-sponsored resources; non-profit organizations; clinical trials and product development; crowd funding via the Internet and social media; auto manufacturer reimbursement programs; and local community, civic, and charitable organizations.
Scholarships for blind college students majoring in music.
AFB offers 2 scholarships, the Gillette and Anderson, to blind college students who are majoring in
music. The application form and instructions for mailing in the supporting materials can be found at www.afb.org.
The Philadelphia Lighthouse of the Blind
If there is a product you would like to obtain in order to provide you with
a better quality of life, call 215-627-0600 ext. 3297, for a request form
and apply for financial assistance.
The Music Teachers National Association
This organization awards grants of up to $1,000 to teachers who can demonstrate that the funds will help them further or expand their professional development.
The Music Teachers National Association Awards Programs
The National Federation of Music Clubs
Their Vivian Nelson Scholarship for the Visually Impaired is awarded once a year for
outstanding performance. Submission is very easy, and the scholarship, is for $1,000.
Vivian Nelson Scholarship Application
National Federation of Music Clubs
Getting Ahead Association
Dedicated to promoting financial literacy and economic independence
among our members.
Goal: Provide financial services designed to meet the unique needs of
different target populations, including but not limited to:
- Georgians with disabilities(Credit-Able)
- 1st time car buyers/Home Owners
- New Entrepreneurs
- Graduates of Consumer Credit Counseling Services
Getting Ahead Association
6705 Sugarloaf Parkway, Ste. 200
Duluth, GA 30097
Ph: 678-542-3473
Toll Free 800-768-4282
Fx: 678-542-3474
Assistive Technology and Assessment Information
Call Tools for Life at 1-800-497-8665 to help you locate resources,
or go to the website at www.gatfl.org
Accessible Online Metronome
Accessible Online Metronome
Financing Programs
Fred's Head
Fred's Head post is entitled Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Programs and Access to Telework Loan Programs, and lists programs by state.
Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Programs and Access to Telework Loan Programs
Association of Blind Citizens Assistive Technology Fund
An organization called the Association of Blind Citizens offers an Assistive Technology Fund to US residents. the Fund provides financial resources to cover 50% of the retail price of adaptive devices or software.
To request an application you can contact Credit-Able at
- Tools for Life at 404-638-0385(Voice/TTY)
- 1-800-497-8665 or
- www.gatfl.org
Residents of the UK who are seeking third-party funding
Customers and prospective customers often ask us about information on sources for funding acquisition of
accessible music technology from Dancing Dots.
Residents of the UK who are seeking such third-party funding
should invest some time in studying the information given at
For further information, please email mas@rnib.org.uk or ring the RNIB's Music Advisory Service on 020 7391 2273.
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