Join Our Listservs
If you want to ask some questions, share your ideas with other experienced users
and beginners or keep up
with the latest news about products from Dancing Dots, join one or both of
the Dancing Dots listservs.
- ddots-l is for CakeTalking and accessible audio production.
- goodfeel is for the GOODFEEL(R) braille music translator,
the Lime music notation editor,
the SharpEye music scanning program, related products and music braille.
- partituras Dancing Dots Spanish-language list.
Si quiere saber más sobre el traductor de música braille se llama GOODFEEL® y los programas asociados, sobre la solución para ayudar a los con baja visión se llama Lime Lighter,
y de soluciones y servicios de Dancing Dots, le invitamos a suscribirse a nuestro foro.
- limelighter Low vision performers, their teachers, rehabilitation professionals, family, and friends discuss how to use The Lime Lighter music-reading device for low vision musicians. Exchange of ideas on strategies for including low vision players in music ensembles.
Sign up for our
for occasional news about updates, upgrades, new products and support for Dancing Dots products.
We also invite you to join us on
Tips from the List Moderator
If you stop receiving messages from the list, please let me explain why this might be.
Every time a message is posted, where these "bounce", the moderators receive an error message. There are three main reasons for this:
- A member has changed their e-mail address, and has not unsubscribed the old address.
- The member's mailbox is full -- most common.
Most ISPs impose maximum mailbox limits of their users, sometimes very low limits.
Consequently, if you go on vacation for a week or two, your mailbox can very quickly fill up.
So, to avoid this, we suggest you try and set up a system to go NOMAIL, VACATION or UNSUBSCRIBE while you are away.
- The message, which you have sent exceeds the message size limit for the list.
We've set this limit to avoid Digest users getting huge digests of repeated material.
It is obviously beneficial, and indeed in many cases essential, to leave some relevant material in order
to know what is being commented on, but do please try to cut out as much as possible.
- Please be sure that messages from freelists.org and
constantcontact.com are not blocked by spam blockers.
Both of these ISPs are reputable and will stop sending you
messages if you unsubscribe from them.
If you have any problems,
send an E-mail to Dancing Dots
Quarry Lane, Suite DD, Phoenixville, PA 19460 P:
610 783-6692 F: 610 500-5072 |