Dancing Dots
Where Music Meets Technology for the blind
Dancing Dots serves blind musicians and their educators through technology and training
Conferences, Presentations and Demonstrations
Press Room

Conferences, Presentations and Demonstrations

At these conferences we will be demonstrating The Lime Lighter low-vision music-reading device that magnifies print music, our GOODFEEL® Braille Music Translator with Lime, Lime Aloud, music scanning, Cakewalk SONAR and CakeTalking for SONAR. Visitors can also see the TACK-TILES® teaching aid for braille music and samples of our print and braille music publications.

Dancing Dots cordially invites you to visit us at the following events to see the latest in technology for blind and low vision musicians. Please forward this information to anyone who might want to attend.

Blind Awareness Expo, hosted by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s
Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services and the Advisory Committee for the Blind of Pennsylvania
June 4, 2013 Harriburg, PA

ABVI's What's the LATEST

ABVI, 500 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY June 6, 2013
Visit Dancing Dots

Articles About GOODFEEL and Dancing Dots

Press Releases

Copyright Dancing Dots