GOODFEEL 3.0 Support Information
Known problems and Fixes for GOODFEEL 3.0
Duxbury Integration Problems
Problem |
Solution |
GOODFEEL defaults to brailling parts separately which means the separate parts
will end up on separate pages.
If you really want separate parts then make them separate Lime files. If you want the
music brailled as a score then see GOODFEEL Option Annotations in
GOODFEEL's help file.
Only the North American literary and Extended ASCII files are used no
matter what is set in GOODFEEL's Transcription Options dialog. |
Copy the literary and extended ASCII files that you want over the
North American ones.
Scrolling problems. |
Make sure you are using the latest version of Duxbury (10.6 SR1).
Double-sided Configurations
- To braille your music on both sides of your paper you must first select Braille on both sides
in GOODFEEL's Embosser Setup dialog. You will also need to set your Characters per line
appropriately in the Embosser Setup dialog.
- Your embosser must also be configured correctly so that the left and right margins are correct.
For example, to braille on narrow paper and leave some space for hole punching on a Juliet Pro 60,
set Characters per line to 28 in GOODFEEL and on the Juliet Pro 60 set the left margin to 2
and the right margin to 28.
Tech Support Page
Quarry Lane, Suite DD, Phoenixville, PA 19460 P:
610 783-6692 F: 610 500-5072 |